Prof.Dr.Osman Aydınlı

Ana Sayfa ●●● Özgeçmiş ●●● Yayın Listesi ●●● Kitaplar ●●● Makaleler ●●● İletişim ●●● Ziyaretçi Defteri



● Üyelik



Beni Hatırla

Şifremi Unuttum

Üye Olmak İstiyorum


● En Çok Okunan Makaleler

Mu’tezile Ekolü: Teşekkülü, İlkeleri ve İslam Düşüncesi’ne Katkıları
Mutezile'nin İmamet Nazariyesi Teori Pratik
Mu'tezilî Anlayışta Zühd ve Takva Boyutu
Mutezilî Siyaset Düşüncesinde Değişim Süreci
İlk Mu’tezile’nin Özgür İrade Söylemi –Amr b. Ubeyd ve Kader Anlayışı-


● Makale

Emergence of the Qadarī Notion in Islamic Thought

Hamdard İslamicus, Vol. XXXI, No. 2, 2008

In the early years of Islam, Muslims had two major inclinations regarding the human acts. While one group took the position which places God’s supreme and irrevocable predestination at the center, the other held that man is totally free in his actions. Surprisingly, the term “Qadariyya ” is employed to refer to both the groups who held two contradicting positions on the matter of fate. In fact, the definition of Qadariyya is covered by a cloud of ambiguity; the usage, content, and coinage of the term is problematic. In this article, I will attempt to provide answers for the following questions: Does the Qadariyya have principles or formulations which require us to describe them as a full-fledged sect or school of thought par excellence? Who are the members of this fraction, if it is a fraction? In addition, we will analyze the complex and multifaceted relationship between the rise of the Qadarī doctrine and the social, political, economic and, theological factors.

Divine will, human action, Qadariyya, Qadarī, Jabrī, Ahl al-Hadīth, freedom of choosing, predestination, the Umayyad rulers, free human will.

     (c) 2008 AYDINLIWEB